Let the countdown begin!

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It is 35 days away, including today. Beginning the Monday after Easter Sunday (April 21), I begin a 16 week sabbatical—a time of rest and renewal (from the Hebrew word “sabbath,” meaning “stop”). In 35 days from today I begin a process of taking a break from daily parish ministry in order to reflect more deeply on that ministry.

The value of stepping away something in which we are enmeshed can provide an opportunity to discern clarity from the vantage point of outside. Jesus is described a number of times as walking up a hill to “get away” in order to pray. For Jesus, stepping away was in order to clarify perspective. He went up to pray. He went up to re-connect with the Holy One who dwelt within him.

I hope to gain a better “bird’s eye” view of what we’re doing as a congregation as well as what I am doing as a pastor. As is the intent of this sabbatical, I hope to return at the end more rested and more energized to pour myself into the ministries to which our congregation are called.

In the mean time, I am working to finalize my time away. I am also working to remain present, emotionally and mentally, to my congregation and community. I welcome your prayers for presence and for intentionality. I’ll share more in the coming weeks, and may share some reflections during the sabbatical.

I am very aware that I am not doing this sabbatical by myself. I go carrying in my heart those who are part of my congregation. I go carrying people in our community with whom I regularly work and serve. I go carrying the love and support of my family. This is a gift, and a gift that I hope to not spend frivolously.

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